Obama Care Does Not Create Insurance

Obama Care (The Affordable Care Act) does not create private or public health insurance, it expands and improves public health insurance options like Medicaid and Medicaid. The ACA also creates subsidized and regulated marketplaces where Americans can buy private health insurance using group-buying power.
Although the expansion of Medicaid and cost assistance (both of which are subsidized by taxpayers) have gotten some criticism for being “hand outs to those who don’t want to work,” that criticism is mostly unfounded. The truth is, most of the newly insured will be working poor families who could not previously afford health insurance and those with pre-existing conditions who were previously “uninsurable” or priced out of insurance. Those who do not want to, or cannot work already have access to Medicaid in most cases. Its myths and half-truths like these that inspired us to create this facts site.