What Will Obama Care Cost Me?

ObamaCare (the Affordable Care Act) contains new taxes including a fee for not obtaining insurance, as well as tiered cost assistance based on income. For those who get cost assistance their coverage will cost between 0%-9.5% of their income for the cheapest plan. Folks without access to cost assistance may end up paying more, in part due to ObamaCare’s new rights and protections, and in part due to the ever rising costs of premiums.

The bottom line is that while the ACA aims to give more people access to affordable, quality health insurance and it succeeds in many ways, but that doesn’t mean everyone will pay less. In general the less you make, the less you pay. Regardless of if you will pay more or less, the quality of health insurance you receive has new, benefits, rights and protections making it a better quality health health insurance. After all, what good is health insurance that drops you when you get sick, drops you when you use too much, or denies you for being sick in the first place?

As for our costs as a country and cost beyond health insurance, the Affordable Care Act does address the growing cost of health care, but it’s main focus is on reforming and expanding health insurance. Unless we as a nation address the root causes of health care costs a meaningful way the costs and taxes associated with healthcare will continue to put a burden on Americans, regardless of the law. Check out our health care facts to understand more about why we need to reform not only health insurance, but health care spending.